Crush Your Money Blocks


Money Blocks are subconsious beliefs that hold you back from making the amount of money you want and desire.

This guide will help you crush your money blocks in just 3 steps.


Overcome Financial Anxiety


Over 72% of Americans report that they constantly stress about money.

This guide will help you overcome financial anxiety so that you can have some peace.


Confidence in 5 Days


Confidence is invaluable in building wealth

But many women struggle with low self esteem and confidence.

This guide will help you build rock-solid confidence in just 5 days


Stop Under-Earning


Over 90% of women under-earn.

Using this valuable guide, you will double your income in 90 days!


Take Consistent Action


The only secret to success is Consistent Action.

Using this guide, you will overcome procrastination, overwhelm and imposter syndrome so that you finally take the action that will create wealth.


Money Mindset Transformation Guide


Your money mindset will determine how much financial success you create for yourself

Using this guide, you will transform your money mindset to a more positve one that supports your financial vision and goals.


Money Abundance Journal


On your wealth creation journey, you need a money abundance journal to help keep you on track and motivated.

Here is a powerful journal to help you.



Joyful Money is the podcast where we reimagine your financial journey as a source of happiness and fulfillment. 

Join me each week as we explore how to manage and grow your wealth in ways that bring joy to your life.